Friday, July 25, 2008

The Go By Bike Challenge

Believe it or not, it's not ALL bad news about the price of fuel these days! Of course, for many Americans, it means having to use the car less, but it also means that most of us may get the chance to walk or bike more...which is a win-win-win-win situation!

The nation wins by lessening our nation's dependence on fossil fuels;

The environment gets a break from the ever-increasing CO2 emissions (footprints) that we each produce prodigiously in our current, fast-paced drive-thru lifestyle;

Your wallet wins, of course, because you don't have to take so many depressing trips to the "filling station" (as they used to call it on The Andy Griffith Show);

Your health wins because finding methods of transport that don't even involve fuel (i.e. your tennis shoes &/or your bike) and the resultant exercise gives you a chance to keep your cardiovascular system in tip-top shape.

The Trek Bike Company estimates that 40% of our trips in fuel-driven vehicles are of distances of 2 miles or less!!! So biking when you can (especially on these short trips from home) is just a nice little thing we can all do with probably only a minimum of sacrifice to help take better care of this fragile planet, as well as those of us who call it home.

Trek--in what is obviously a gimmick to sell more of their products (I already own a Trek Bike & I love it)--has created a website called "1 World 2 Wheels" (, where you can go & pledge to bike to as many places as it is feasible for you to do. You can visit their website from time to time to see how the pledges are going & Trek has even created a little widget that you can post on your blog to keep track of how many miles of non-fuel-generated traveling we're all pledging (even if it's not done on a Trek bike)! I even have one of their widgets at the bottom of this blog, if you want to take a look.

As of the writing of this post (7/25), over 12,500 people have pledged nearly 4 million biking miles--saving nearly as many pounds of Carbon Dioxide from being released in the atmosphere, burning over 187 million calories & saving over $875,000 in gas money.

So, considering how painful it is to have to face another gas pump & boosting Big Oil's bottom line, you can turn that frown upside down by getting up & getting your (human) motor running and taking the "Go By Bike" Challenge.

As Nike always says, "Just Do It."

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